This is a phenomenal tea from Wenshan region of Taiwan. It not only has a unique taste for me but captures in detail the roadtrip I took down south with my new family to North Carolina. I wont be able to drink this tea without being transported through that roadtrip, as it was the only beverage I drank all week.
Just like Kid A can put me cruising in a Renault down the narrow country roads of Burgandy, a flavor profile so unique can also provoke those moods. Taste can be an excellent bookmark in your life.
When i brew a cup at home, the fragrance will fill up the room. it has a heavy mead aroma, and sweet honey tones that the title signifies. The twisted leaves have a small amount of white leaf bud in there as well, possible contributing a smell that i would link with a perfume property, but since I loathe perfume...I can't quite put my finger on it.
That all being said, it is not a tea that I will have multiple cups of in a row. Two is good for me.
The twisted leaves have a small amount of white leaf bud in there as well.
While at home, tart passionfruit bars can stand up to this tea. They puckery topping is offset by the sweetness of the tea. I decided to brulee the tops of some, which lent great color and flavor change. It tempered the cloying amount of sugar that I used to please others in the family. If left to me, I leave passionfruit almost unadorned in its natural puckery state.
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